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GNX calls itself ‘a carrier-neutral, next-generation global connectivity service partner’. And that’s exactly right. Using GNX services, we drastically simplify connecting multiple countries using multiple service providers.

GNX services and technology help us build global networks that are transparent, reliable and quick to deploy. Meanwhile, GNX removes a lot of the administrative complexity of dealing with multiple providers: you get one contract, one invoice, and one support-contact for all connections and all countries.

Support and monitoring are powered by GNX 24/7 Network Operations Center (NOC), keeping everything running smoothly with round-the-clock customer service.

Access thousands of local ISPs

With GNX’s automated platform, GNX+, you get direct access to a global network of thousands of local ISP’s. Here, you can easily find, compare, and order internet access, plus manage the entire network lifecycle.

This platform provides a complete overview and maximum control over your entire WAN: streamlined, seamless global connectivity right at your fingertips. GNX+ is carrier-neutral and delivers real-time data insights into your connections. They don’t call it ‘the future of global networking’ for nothing.

Why we use GNX

When solving connectivity and wide-area networking problems​, especially on an international scale, traditional approaches are not agile and flexible enough. With GNX, we can provide you with clear and transparent pricing for services like point-to-point networking, xDSL, fiber, DIA, wireless or 4G/5G. This greatly simplifies our work and yours.

How we deliver GNX solutions

We implement all GNX solutions according to our core philosophy: future-proof, automated, personal, secure, honest and transparent.

This means:

We like smart management and automation. If it can be automated, we automate​ it.
Freedom of choice. We love GNX, but we look at your wishes and demands first and at manufacturers later, in order to always pick the best solution for you.
We co-manage. We take responsibility for your network together. We plan together, work together, fix mistakes together and celebrate success together. It’s just more fun that way.
As-a-Service models. Most of our services can be configured for flexible consumption and pay-per-use, saving you from large investments you may not even need.
Direct contact. Call or text your Client Ambassador if you need anything. No ticketing system and certainly no chatbot.

Contact us, we’ll tell you all about it