Yes! Elite Networks has achieved the Fortinet Advanced Partnership!


This status is a reward for the hard work of our people and a recognition for their expertise. A special thanks to Fortinet for our fruitful collaboration, not to mention the drive of the engineers and specialists of Elite Networks to achieve the high degree of NSE certification.
Looking forward to a continued expansion of our successful collaboration in the future!

Switching to SD-WAN during the COVID pandemic? No problem!


Switching to SD-WAN during the COVID pandemic? No problem!

Unfortunately, the lockdown and COVID measures have been extended again, and more flexibility and security is demanded from a company network at the same time. Remote and home working, increasing cybercrime, cloud adoption and more insight at the application level require new solutions, but how do you do that in times of a pandemic and relevant measures in place?

Lower TCO and deferred billing!
Elite Networks provides the key to a res...